Hunger Task Force Energizes Fight Against Hunger with Solar Installation

Hunger Task Force, Milwaukee’s Free and Local Food bank and Wisconsin’s leading anti-hunger organization, is proud to announce the successful installation and connection of their 89-kilowatt solar array. The solar panels, installed by Arch Solar, have transformed Hunger Task Force’s facility into an energy-efficient hub, enabling them to focus more on their mission of ending hunger in the community.
Hunger Task Force is committed to ensuring the responsible stewardship of donor resources. The installation of these solar panels will not only reduce the food bank’s annual energy costs but will also contribute to the organization’s ability to allocate more resources toward its mission. By generating clean and sustainable energy, Hunger Task Force aims to create a hunger free community, where every person can access healthy food with dignity.
“As a 100% community-supported organization, Hunger Task Force makes stewardship of donor resources a top priority,” says Sherrie Tussler, Executive Director of Hunger Task Force. “These solar panels will result in instant savings on our food bank’s annual energy costs, allowing our organization to invest more resources into our mission of ending hunger. We’re grateful for Renew Wisconsin’s grant support to make the project possible and for Arch Solar’s excellent installation on our rooftop!”
The recently installed 89-kilowatt, 165 panel solar array is projected to produce 125,000 kWh annually, which equates to nearly 20% of Hunger Task Force’s overall energy consumption. Over the 30-year lifespan of the solar array, the organization is expected to save a significant amount, totaling $8,258 in annual energy savings or an impressive $308,255.
Arch Solar, the trusted provider of these solar panels, shares Hunger Task Force’s commitment to making a positive impact in Milwaukee. “From fighting hunger to fighting carbon, there’s no better way to be a part of meaningful change in Milwaukee. Local issues, local partners, local solutions,” said Andrew Holmstrom, Commercial and Industrial Solar Consultant with Arch Solar.
This landmark project became a reality through the support of various grants and incentives, including an 83 solar panel grant from Solar for Good. Solar for Good, a RENEW Wisconsin program established in partnership with the Couillard Solar Foundation, aims to expand solar power in Wisconsin and support nonprofit organizations dedicated to making a difference. The project was also supported by Legacy Solar Co-op, a Wisconsin-based, member-owned cooperative providing solar products and services.
In addition to the solar array installation, Hunger Task Force has undertaken several other environmentally conscious and energy-efficient measures within its facility. Recent updates include LED lighting, smart HVAC and VFD motors, as well as Energy Star-rated refrigeration systems. These collective efforts demonstrate Hunger Task Force’s commitment to sustainability and ensuring the most efficient use of resources.
Hunger Task Force invites the community to join them in celebrating this significant milestone towards a sustainable and hunger-free future. By harnessing the power of the sun, Hunger Task Force is forging a path toward a healthier, greener, and more resilient community.

About Solar for Good RENEW Wisconsin’s Solar for Good initiative fosters the expansion of solar power among mission-based nonprofits and houses of worship in Wisconsin. Through a generous partnership with Couillard Solar Foundation, RENEW Wisconsin awards grants and solar panels to nonprofit organizations, helping them switch to clean, renewable solar energy.
About RENEW Wisconsin RENEW Wisconsin is a nonprofit organization that promotes renewable energy in Wisconsin. We work on policies and programs that support solar power, wind power, biogas, local hydropower, geothermal energy, and electric vehicles.
About Couillard Solar Foundation the Couillard Solar Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit whose mission is to further the urgent path to decarbonization for Wisconsin and create a cleaner, safer environment for everyone, regardless of socio-economic status. The Couillard Solar Foundation helps schools and nonprofits gain vital access to solar power by providing solar panels, programs, and education through the Solar for Good and Solar on Schools grant programs. For more information, please visit
About Legacy Solar Wisconsin Cooperative Legacy Solar Co-op is a Wisconsin-based, member-owned cooperative providing solar and energy efficiency products and services. Our goal is to bring people together to support local and statewide solar and other clean energy initiatives. We believe that the future of our planet depends on taking action now. The “Legacy” in Legacy Solar Co-op refers to the endurance of the solar projects we support, which will last for 4 decades or more. It’s also a reference to the collective contribution we make towards a clean, renewable energy supply for our communities. For more information, please visit
Hunger Task Force is Milwaukee’s Free & Local food bank and Wisconsin’s leading anti-hunger organization. The organization’s mission is to feed people in need today and end future hunger. Hunger Task Force operates a food bank that provides healthy food absolutely free of charge across Wisconsin. As advocates, Hunger Task Force works to end hunger through strong public policy work, legislative analysis, education and community organizing. For more information, visit